Friday, February 26, 2010

Thanks, Universe for the cosmic slap!!

One and all: I would like to address your attention to my post yesterday which literally dripped and reeked with sunshine. Now, cut to me today sitting in the back of a police car. How did I get there, you may well reasonably ask.

The story, I am sorry to say does not involve me committing any crime. (I will assume that there has now been a collective sigh of relief). It does include me coming out of my building this morning and finding that someone had hit my car in the night, and left the back left side all crunchy. I called the police and my insurance company, and then bussed it to work. When I originally talked to the police station, they requested that I complete a report online. I was a bit loath to do this, thinking that they really couldn't do anything for me anyway. However, one of my concerned neighbors called the police as well, so they could contact me in case I didn't know about the "accident". The police did call me, and because I had not moved my car and there was still "debris" around it, they sent a constable to come check out the scene. One of my co-workers graciously drove me home to meet with him, and I got to sit in the back of the police car. I felt a little dangerous...

Anyway, I am now playing phone tag with the insurance company, but it seems as though they will be able to fix it with no cost to me, owing to the fact that it was a hit and run. So, hopefully a happy ending.

Let's hope that nothing else too crazy happens today. I am very fortunate that it all seems to be working out quite well. Plus, it is even nice weather for when I am carless, so taking the bus and walking will be enjoyable.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! Drive carefully out there...


Grant-Grey Guda said...

I would be truly honored if you gave your poetic advice on my blogs of poetry and follow them.

Unknown said...

Boo-urns! Good luck with all that.