Friday, June 12, 2009

"Everyone's watching to see what you will do!"

I can not even begin to express my joy about the fact that it is almost officially the weekend!! I have been looking forward to my "days off" all week, and I have a few plans, as well as some glorious hours to fill however I want.

Tonight I am going to see "Said the Whale" at The Slice with Ashley. Tomorrow morning I will be picking up bags full of food for "Project Hunger" and taking them to the Stake Center. Then, I have all Saturday afternoon and evening for pure relaxation, with a little bit of prep for my YW lesson thrown in there. On Sunday, I am going out to Magrath for my Dad's birthday dinner, and then spending the night there.

It has been a particularly busy week at work, mostly because my boss is away, and we are not only taking over her student load, but I am preparing for our upcoming student interviews. This includes booking the room, forming a committee, meeting with prospective students, getting the advertising out there, and setting up an interview schedule. Fortunately, this is the stuff that I really enjoy!

I wish all of you a magical weekend, especially our dear Denise who is heading down to the Promised Land with her parents.


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