Monday, December 08, 2008

Kill me, another quiz...

Sorry for the "template" today, but work is really actually busy these days. Hopefully I will have some real live updates for you any day! But, in the meantime, here are a few things you might not have known. If you did, then too bad.

Where is your cell phone: On my desk beside me now… I just got 4 new messages in about an hour because my phone was on vibrate in my bag.

Your boyfriend/girlfriend: Is either dead or hasn’t got the memo yet.

Your hair: got a cut on Saturday and is looking particularly fantastic.

The room you're in: is my office. Bigger than Denise’s, but also windowless.

Your fears: the dark, finding a dead body in any natural body of water, spiders, needles, and the possibility of being under-dressed for any occasion.

Where did you hang out last night: At the “First Presidency Christmas Devotional” broadcast, playing Pres. Monson bingo with Denise (she won with “widows”, whereas my choice of “Canada” was completely overlooked), and then to “The Keg” for a manager’s dinner. Ah, Crème Brulee…they name is indeed delicious.

What are you not good at: wearing appropriate footwear, brushing the snow off my car (...although, that could have something to do with the fact that the brush cost 2.99, and was purchased at 7-11), turning off the t.v. when I am watching Scrubs, cleaning my room, giving up on a hopeless situation

What are you wearing: my uniform, as of late: a black cardigan, camisole, and jeans.

Your mood: cautiously optimistic

Missing: a few signatures from instructors for students’ audit forms

Your car: is a blessing in the winter. I do not miss the bus.

Your favourite colour :is pink…"Think pink!”

What is your salad dressing of choice: either Asian sesame, or a mustard vinaigrette I made myself

What food could you eat everyday and not get sick of it: Sandwiches

What are your pizza toppings of choice: cheese, cheese, cheese

Which of your five senses you think is keenest: Smell. I could really take this “talent” on the road and be a superhero by smelling things like chemical warfare or dirty villains

When was the last time you had a cavity: probably right now…I really need to go to the Dentist

What colour do you think looks best on you: either Royal blue or a very vivid fuchsia

Where to now: if I knew that, I would probably already be there…


Kat said...


Unknown said...

I forgot about the dead body thing..remember the dam?????