Tuesday, December 09, 2008

If you show it, they will come

I had a bit of an epiphany today...it all begins with a little story. I was watching a movie in the cave today with one of the students. There was not really any one else in there, but that was due, I am sure, to what movie it was. (I am too embarrassed to admit that I watched it, albeit, only the last half, so the title shall not be revealed) When it was finished, the (really tall and oddly attractive) guy from the Student Association came to put in the second movie of the day, and it turned out to be the brand-spanking-new release "The Dark Knight". As the movie got underway, I noticed an interesting phenomenon start to occur. Guys started appearing out of nowhere to watch. They just kept streaming in, and even bunched up on the couches together.

So, epiphany? If you want to find the men, go to the Superhero movies. The darker and grittier, the better. If you want them to come to you, you should probably buy the movie, and then casually let it be known you have it. If my calculations are correct, you will hopefully have the men-folk beating down your door within the hour. Try it out and let me know!

Once again it has been a disgracefully long amount of time since I wrote anything. (I do not count yesterday's post as it wasn't really original) Here is some of what I have been doing

1. taking the expression "mutton dressed as lamb" to heart. I attended Denise's Ward Christmas party, and semi-pretended that I was still young enough to be there. The food was great, but the entertainment was... interesting. I will not say more, but I will testify that there were many moments of unintentional comedy, which we all know is the best kind. There were at least 3 moments where Denise and I clasped hands in shared amusement/agony. I will say that I didn't know it was possible to sing the verses of "Leaving on a Jet plane" in 3 different keys, but the chorus always in tune.

2. working with a new student. She is a lot of fun, but pretty crazy as well.

3. eating at the Keg. Seriously, I have eaten there twice in the last 2 weeks. The first time was fraught with peril . We had to wait for an hour, I didn't get my salad, and my steak came well-done and then when I sent it back, rare. (I took it home and out it in the GF grill for about 4 minutes, and had the most beautifully cooked medium-rare steak for Sunday morning breakfast.) The second trip was with the Managers a couple of nights ago. This time my steak was delicious, and we were regaled with some quasi-risque stories from one of the ladies. Ah, it was enjoyable to watch Travis squirm upon hearing Jo's descriptions...

4. Going to Calgary to watch Cam in the "Messiah". She did a wonderful job on her solo, and Greg and I were treated to the delightfully disgusting sight of a boy throwing up in to his father's hands and the floor during the Hallelujah chorus.

5. Singing in the Telethon!! After Dad "lost his voice" on the morning of the blessed event, we had to completely re-work our program, and so it was a bit of a gong-show getting some numbers together. But, in true Olsen fashion, it came off with only minor hitches that we breezed right over. "Dignity. Always dignity."

6. Substituting one habit for another. I am giving "Scrubs" a break, and thoroughly enjoying "30 Rock", and "Sports Night" (for about the 4th time through)

Have a great week, everyone.


LeitaAnn said...

Throwing up? Yuck!!
I'm thrilled you came to the party. It's fun to pretend you are young again isn't it? I do it every time I hang out with the ward people. I've decided to be 18 again.

Mary said...

Did you talk to any of the guys that you saw? Flirted it up you know!!!

Unknown said...

You're right with the superhero movie thing. It's the only place I've ever seen so many straight guys on "dates" together...