Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Apparently it is not a quiz

For any of you wanting to know me a bit better, here is a little questionnaire I borowed from my dear Denise.

Last Movie I Saw In A Movie Theater?: “Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist. Boo. I am way too old for that movie…

What Book Are You Reading? “The Twisted Root” by Anne Perry (I just love me some Victorian Mystery) and “The Shock Doctrine” by Naomi Klein. Can never read just one book at once.

Favorite Board Game? Hello!! “Boggle” me baby! Even after the serious trouncing I received from Chris this Thanksgiving. I think I need to practice.

Favorite Magazine? Definitely either InStyle or Entertainment Weekly.

Favorite Smells? Mint and Lavender tea brewing, The laundry soap I’m using right now, Cinnamon buns in the oven, the smell of rain on the sidewalk, the cologne I helped Braden pick out

Favorite Sounds? Rain outside my window at night, my nephews laughing, Travis’s beat-box, music I love!!

Worst Feeling In The World: your heart breaking

First Thing You Think of When You Wake? How warm and comfortable my bed is, or a dream I just had

Fast Food Place? Lethbridge College Cafeteria…oh my gosh, that half-pasta combo is my nemesis of life…

Future Child’s Name? I only have girls names: Zoe and Charlotte

Finish This Statement—“If I Had a Lot of Money,” I would travel all over Europe.

Do You Drive Fast? I do on the highway…especially in my new red car! Yeah, Baby!

Favorite place you have visited? Definitely New York City, and especially Fifth Avenue at night.

Storms—cool or scary? Both…but anything worth experiencing should be cool and scary.

What Was Your First Car? Dodge Omni. What? You have never heard of those? Shocking. It was the oldest piece of garbage any human being could ever drive. It used to stall/die everywhere, my favorite place being the intersection of 4th Ave and 5th street (right by the Alec Arms) where a homeless guy pushed it on to the side of the road. The man who sold it to me warned my Dad not to buy it, buit I would not listen. Ah, memories.

Favorite Drink? Cranberry juice. Anyway I can get it.

Finish This Statement—“If I Had the Time, I Would…” learn Italian, hang out with my roommate more, actually prepare for Nursery, practice the guitar, sleep for a week in the awesome spare room bed.

Do You Eat the Stems on Broccoli? Yes, and it you peel them, they are even better!

If You could Dye your Hair Any Other Color, What Would It Be? Red…no I am just kidding. Probably blue.

Favorite Sport to Watch? I don’t watch sports as a rule, but if I have to, then probably Hockey.

What’s Under Your Bed? Luggage and socks

Morning Person or Night Owl? I can barely stay up past 11:00 pm, so definitely Morning person.

Over Easy or Sunny Side Up? Scrambled or omelet. Always mix your yolks and whites!!

Favorite Place to Relax? Libraries. All libraries.

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? Anything with cherry

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