Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Don't judge me

I have a question: Is it o.k. to feel lonely?

Lately, what with the advanced age and inability to attend YSA activities, I have felt really left out of things, and...lonely. Part of me feels really guilty for saying it out loud (writing it out loud), because I have a family who loves me, a great roommate, a job that I feel excited to tell people about, a ward family, and a handful of friends who are amazing. So, then, why do I feel disconnected? It could be that I work a lot and don't have a lot of free time, or that I can't join in the activities that my friends are doing, or that I haven't taken the opportunity to meet more people my age.

It is hard to embrace a feeling like loneliness, because I feel like I shouldn't be allowed to be lonely when I have all of the afore-mentioned supports. It is also hard to admit, because I think there is a perceived weakness or embarassment about having those feelings.

So. There it is. Out there in the cosmos. Please don't judge me for saying it. Please don't pity me for feeling it. And, for heaven's sake, do not try to fix me or find me someone to date. Just know I miss you if I haven't seen you for awhile, and and that I will be o.k. I am just trying to be more honest with myself and others.


LeitaAnn said...

Nah being lonely just happens.
Are you sure you can't come to like the Halloween dance????? I still think we should start activities for those over 25.

As for that title of mine, ha, it was just a thought I had after FHE is all and I thought it would be a good title, nothing more, nothing less.

Denise said...

I would never judge you, because, I really think you have a great roommate too!

Maybe one day, we will actually spend more than 10 minutes together.