Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pop-up Choir and Clown shoes...

New Template! New Template!

I have not written for quite a while, and so in response to my fans who are desperate for more Jenny news (o.k., there have been about 2), I thought I better give an update.

Since I last wrote, I have...

1. ...seen some great and not so great movies. Firstly: Juno. This I would classify as one of the great ones. I loved this little movie. Now I do know it has sparked some controversy regarding teen pregnancy, and I even felt a little uncomfortable with how cavalier they were about this emotional subject, but I so enjoyed the characters, the humour, the soundtrack, and the performance by Ellen Page as the main character. My two viewings of this film made up for the unfortunate idea to watch"27 Dresses". I did not like this movie. It was just too contrived, too predictable, and the girl who played the part of the sister who is getting married was possibly the worst actress I have ever seen. There was just way too much hype for this movie, and I really did not enjoy it.

2....studied for the LSAT. I really have this time, and it actually feels like I am making some progress. Even the logic games are becoming more discernible and shall we even say more...logical?! I still have a week, and I am absolutely going to spend as much free time as possible going over those questions. If I do not get into Law School, I am not taking another LSAT for at least 3 months.

3. ...played some Boggle and won!! I know it was only by 5 points, but I will take what I can. Besides I am sure I will win by at least 10 points next time. I think the studying is making me smrter.

4....bought a pair of clown shoes. So, I was in Winners on Friday when I found (what I thought was) the cutest pair of shoes. Because it was me, I did not responsibly walk away or even grudgingly drag myself away. No, true to form and my addiction, I marched them straight up to the counter and promptly purchased them. The next morning, I woke up, took one look at the shoes and felt a strange sensation. What was this feeling creeping over me? Could it be buyer's remorse? What brought on this unfamiliar sensation was the distinct possibility that I had actually bought a pair of clown shoes. I jumped out of bed and perused the shoes. What had looked like an absolutely adorable pair of flirty red flats under the sickly fluorescent lights of the notoriously hideous Brand-name discount chain store suddenly looked like something that would only be acceptably worn accompanied by a fake red nose. I have never experienced such a feeling as buyer's remorse after buying shoes. You. can. never. have. enough. pairs. of. shoes. Luckily, I put on the shoes, and realized that they actually were fantastic. Moral of the story? When you are just waking up, your judgment is clouded...and you can never have enough shoes. Oh, yeah. Even if they had been clown shoes, you know that only yours truly could have pulled it off. You know y'all wish you were brave enough to wear clown shoes!

5....have attended my new ward for a month...and I am both embracing the new and missing the old. How? Well...

a. The people in my new ward are extremely friendly and welcoming.
b. I am forced to act like a grown-up at church. That is good. I am finally one of the reverent ones.


c. I miss the flirting and the fashion parade. I know that neither of these is a really good reason to go to church, but I love to flirt, and I can't do it with married men. (There is only room in my life for one questionable crush on a married man...can't wait for the ward conference!...)
d. I miss the awesome VP friends who indulged me in my irreverence and were always ready with a compliment and/or hug.

6. ...sang in a pop-up choir. Similar to Starbucks in name only, this was anyone who wanted to sing a hymn in the "ward choir" just got up and sang. So I did.

7.. ...wrote a blog and then deleted it. For anyone who read it...please don't judge me too harshly. For everyone else, it was a little too personal and I am not sure why I put it out there. I will have to save it for the secret blog...if that actually existed.

Have a great week everyone! You will probably not see me unless you come to my temporary second home, otherwise known as the Lethbridge Public Library. (Although I am not really in love with it as it doesn't have the hidden nooks, fabulous long couches, and amazing toilets that my sweet Rutherford North at the U of A had. Oh, long stretch-out couches hidden behind the Shakespeare section at Rutherford...I dream of you... and seriously- You could flush anything down those toilets with that water pressure. Jess.. you know what I'm talking about)

Stay out of the snow!! Go to church!! Remember I love you - even if no one else does!!

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