Tuesday, January 29, 2008

...and there is no one in a suit to make the day better...

You may all think that you know what a bad Monday looks like, but I am going to tell you about a Monday that will make you re-think your first-of-the-week blues.

So, I was scheduled to work at 7:00 am yesterday morning, and yay!! I was going to get a ride with a co-worker. Unfortunately, I ended up taking the bus. This was fine until I got to 4th ave and started walking towards Chapters, where the wind hit me straight in the face, and by the time I had walked 1 block, I was ready to lay down under the nearest tree and go to sleep and /or die. It was really cold. When I got to work, I was the only one doing cycle counting. Yeah. ( for those of you who do not work at Chapters or are not Denise and know everything about it anyway, cycle counting is the inventory we do of a certain section. This was it gets done all year) So I counted all of the c.d.s, luckily I know that section pretty well. Stephen was in at 8, so he got to check all of my mistakes...of which there were a few...my brain had not thawed yet. Because the weather was so cold and yucky, we never had more than about 5 people in the store at once, so it was extra slow. Also, they canceled a few shifts due to the weather, and sent everyone there home early...except for me. They wanted someone "strong" on the floor, and I needed to go on cash when the only cashier needed a break. Yes it is nice to be reliable and multi-talented, but it would have been nice to go home early.

And... the best part of the day was that there was no water in our store, so no bathrooms. There is a leak on the main water line downtown, and they are still trying to find/fix it. Starbucks is unable to open at all. Now here is something about me that Ashley and Denise know pretty well. I have a bladder the size of a marble. So, I had to go over to the mall to go to the bathroom. This was 12 minutes I will never get back.

I truly believe that because Pres. Hinckley died, Satan saw he had about 2 days without a prophet, and so thought he would turn up the nonsense a few notches. See who he could round up, or at least drive to drink. I hear that the liquor really warms you up. Don't think I wasn't wishing there was a Scotch handy while I was contemplating my death under the trees at IGA.

Anyway, hope today goes better!! I am sending off my application to the University of Saskatchewan today. Wish me luck. Wish me faith - I really need some right now. Most of all, wish me warmth. Oh, and you know you are all jealous of my sock mittens.

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