Tuesday, December 04, 2007

In the air there's a feeling of...

A great big thank-you to John Mayer for helping me with my "Album of the Year" quandary. Seriously, people, I was losing sleep over finding my pick of 2007. John (consequently, my music boyfriend) re-released "Continuum" last month with some extra live songs and a brand-spankin' new single, thereby making this album my pick for the year. If you want my feelings on the previously released material, go to my blog in about November of 2006- I describe my (visceral) reaction in great detail. I have sampled some of the live stuff (added) and it is of course wonderful. I also enjoy the new song "Say", mostly for its Jenny-emotion-inducing lyrics. So. I can finally get to sleep and also buy this album. today.

Well, it has been action-packed couple of days since I last updated all of my devoted readers (At last count...about 4!! Hey, you gotta start somewhere) First, the LSAT.

Words I would use to describe the experience of writing the LSAT are, in no particular order:

The experience is over, thank the angels/angles above, and I will probably write it again. I don't know if I want to wait another year to apply to Law School, but I should probably just see what my score is before I make too many long-term plans.

Second on my thoughts is the extra amount of not-so-nice people shopping in the store this Christmas. All day yesterday, the customer were cranky, and I was forced to play mom, and get extra-defensive on behalf of younger co-workers. I get that Christmas shopping is sometimes stressful. but her are a few ideas to make it a better experience.

1. Stop spending so much money!!! You don't have to buy everyone you know gifts, and you don't need to spend over 100 dollars on those you love. Having said this,I am probably in the wrong business, and I can't tell you how much the constant encouraging of people to spend, spend, spend on a daily basis makes me ill.

2. Focus on/create new traditions that are cheap and memory-making. On Sunday, we decorated sugar cookies and took them to the Bishop's house. There, we sang Christmas carols. A.fun.time.was.had.by.all. In my family we have the appetizer night on Christmas eve. I am telling you, it is going to be killer.

3. Remember that Christmas is what you make of it. Don't go into it feeling stressed about everything. Decide that you are going to be less commercial, and focus on the service, the funny caroling, the good food, etc. People will respect your sticking-it-to-the-Corporate-Man-attitude, and will enjoy your enjoyment of the holiday.

Merry Christmas everyone (never too early), and wish me luck with my present making. Heaven knows, I am going to need it!!!

1 comment:

Denise said...

Take solace in the fact that maybe one or two of my many, many blog readers will read your words of wisdom and fall in love. (Don’t worry, I think only 5 people read mine, and that includes me pressuring you to read mine out loud for the world to hear, and my mom reading it.)

Also, thank you so much for copying the great new motto of the college.
Brand. New. Vision. (I still don’t get it, and I am an alumni)