Wednesday, November 28, 2007

"...It's bad enough we get along so well"

So here is my question for the day:

If a thing is meant to be, will it still work out even if you don't put in your part of the bargain?

O.k., I have not studied like I should have of for the LSAT. Consequently, I am not prepared for the test, and will not do very well on it. Subsequently, I am sick to my stomach and really upset with myself and my laziness. So. As long as I can get through it, it will be over, and I can get on to the next thing.

So, tonight Travis and I got to be managers at work, and I will admit, it was a lot of fun. I came to the store in a pretty bad mood, and after about an hour there, I was cheerful and happy to be at work. This was due to the wonderful staff on tonight, and my partner in crime/ my co-MOD/ the ever-impressive/delightful/hotter-than-Sylar Travis Jay. (This sucking up may be a response to my lingering embarrassment from the car incident yesterday!!)

Well, good night, and I hope all of you have the weekend that you have been dreaming of. I know I will not.
Here's to an awesome Sunday!!!

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