Sunday, November 11, 2007

There is always time for new shoes on Monday...

Hello again to everyone from the capital city of Alberta (and secretly...the capital city of my heart). Hope you are all enjoyng your Sunday, and that you are much more on the ball than me. I may or may not have left the city without anything set for Relief Society. The Bishop did ask me not to "check out early", so I am very sorry to all of my ladies, especially Heather. I promise I will do better this week.

I have had a wonderful time here which has included (in no particular order) shopping at Old Navy (new coat! new coat!), eating ice cream at the Marble Slab, pizza, hanging out with Sam-bois, Arrested Development (I need them back now...along with my dignity, Thank-you!), the Wii (hello, Tennis elbow!), finding out stories about your sister no human being should ever know about (my ears and Sears will never be the same), missed episodes of "The Office", sleeping on the air mattress, and successfully dodging whiplash (take that, Calgary!!), and a new purse (at least I didn't buy shoes, Braden). Tonight I venture to the far south of the city to stay with the other bois.

Today I also went to the YSA with one Sarah Fleming. It was fun to be back in the Whyte Ave chapel and so much fun to be with Sarah again. Sarah, I miss you and your laughter. I promise that next time I come to Edmonton, I will only visit you!!

I hope everyone has an incredible week-day eve...please, if you meet together, and you play a round of Apples to Apples, put in a Pavarotti or a Helen Keller for me.


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