Saturday, July 07, 2007

If you're my mother, don't read this post...

I am officially the world's worst blogger as of late. Why is this? Where is my motivation or desire to record the happenings of my "hum-drum life"? Where is it?

Yesterday I spent the day in Waterton where it was 35 degrees. It was very hot. VERY HOT. At one point I laid down on the rocky beach and slept for about an hour, off and on. Mmmm, the breeze off the lake was absolutely delicious and it was a great nap. Waterton was so beautiful, and I realized that I miss going there on a regular basis. However, there was one cloud darkening the love of Waterton horizon, and that was the amount of couples there enjoying icecream and each other's company. On Friday night I went for a walk by myself with my trusty ipod, but sitting by the lake watching the two by twos got a little old. Here I was in one of the most romantic places around, listening (I am sorry to say) to some emo-ish music by myself. I think that "Summer Heat" (that's right...I just named this season's disorder) is going to get the best of me. I foresee it being worse than the Winter Wonderlust, and that one almost killed me. I should have known it was coming on last week at the fireworks when my usual seasonal disorder victim was kind of cute and funny again...

Oh, Barf. This might be the worst way to start blogging again: desperation and thinly veiled hints. C'est la vie!

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