Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I'm all about the wordplay

Question: Which game is best?

Last night, we switched it up a little here at the ol' game house, and played Scrabble. I have only played this game about 3 times in my life, and my first memory of it, which I'm sure Ashley will appreciate, is waking up at the party after myHigh School Grad (yes, I fell asleep on couches even back then) to see Peter Simon playing it with someone else. Needless to say, I thought I was still dreaming... So, I enjoyed playing it last night. It was definitely quieter than our usual Boggle-Jenny-rage-fest (can you imagine if I had married Reid??), but it was fun to play with Denise as well.

We also mixed it up on Sunday with the Scattergories. Now, here is a game that reminds me so much of my family, as we used to play it all the time. Who could forget Chris's zany answers, and the first time Adam and I knew we were kindred spirits with the answer "nog, egg". I had a lot of fun playing it with the trifecta, especially when I was reading Braden's mind... mweh heh heh... Still, it really didn't have the spark, the competition, fast-paced frenzy of our favorite word game.

So, I am going to say, unequivocally, that Boggle is best. In all schools of Jenny thought.

I saw on Steve Morton's facebook profile that he included poetry he had written, and so I was thinking of posting some of my own. Then I realized that I don't want 134 people to read it , so I thought I would post where my readership is about a 12th of that on the blog. So, here is something I wrote the other day. It is , of course, untitled:

Here is a memory to be made:
the room effulgent with the smell of grass
the light falling in-just so-
blurring the edges
of everything here
and softening me-
my prickly worry
my sharp disappointment
my rocky pride


1 comment:

Denise said...

Sadly the Boggle is too fast paced and loud for me. Even just listening to you all shaking the letters makes me stressed out. But I love to watch you all play, even if you do fight with each other.