Sunday, June 10, 2007

High pound, anyone?

If I was Denise Garner, (or Dennis Garmer) I would start this post by saying "A happy and beautiful Sunday to you all!' However, since it is me, I will just start with my usual blank statement/ question:

Does it stand to reason that 200 men in one room is a good thing if they are all kind of gross?

No. I did not go to the 25-35 conference this weekend. Instead, I played with Andrea, Chris, and the bois, did some R.S. stuff, had birthday hijinks with said Denise, and went to church. Boy, am I glad that I did that!! Church was funny and awesome today with crazy Sunday School people ("maybe you would have learned that in history class if you had paid attention!"), tasty with ice cream sandwiches!!, scary with Sister Crofts who had me in the death grip twice ("I thought you were going to the conference..."), and spiritually uplifting with Denise's wonderful, albeit short talk.

Anyway, this is a very small post, but I need to have a little rest before weekday eve!!

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