Tuesday, May 15, 2007

"They've got just a wee bit o' the crazies"

I am having a real problem getting out Post #60, but I am finally here at home with time to write, and ideas just a flowin'. So.

Today at work it was Stephen and I at cash, (well, him at Cash and me on cds) and we were finding that there was an abnormal increase in the number of stupid and/or crazy customers today. The highlight was the man (who Steve affectionately called "Beardy" for his incredible Lorenzo Snow bordering on Mountain Man beard) who stood at the next till to Stephen, where there was no cashier, and just handed his stuff over. He then waved to invisible people out side the window. Most people were just stupid, asking questions a 4 year old would know the answer to (and asking them at least 3 times). I wondered if there was some sort of explanation for the craziness, and asked whether there was a full moon right now. What we found out was that the new moon starts tomorrow. Hmm. Therefore, I am naming this phenomenon the "no moon syndrome". I really think it could take off and rival "The Secret" for sheer nonsense worthy of Mr. Kevin Trudeau himself. Oh, Snap!

Speaking of Kevin Trudeau and his antics, I took a peak through his book "Natural Cures" thinking there would be some suggestions and/or aids for healthy behavior. Not so. Instead, it was peppered with outrageous claims, my favorite being: "Cinnamon cures Diabetes". Seriously. Anyone who knows me, knows my feeling on opinion stated as fact. Not cool. So, Kevin, what you're telling me is that if I eat cinamon buns daily, I will be cured of my diabetes. Thanks, buddy! I'll get right on that. I'm sure it will work wonders for my weight as well.

On a sad (and completely unrelated) note, I am very sad to be losing Keely for the summer, and possibly forever. We have started watching Buffy episodes here (so far we have watched "Fool for Love", "The Gift", "Beneath You", and "Once More with Feeling). It is so nice to have someone to obsess, analyze and philosophize about the Buffyverse with again. I know she will have an amazing time in England, but we will miss her infectious enthusiasm. We love you Keely!

I will finish with some additions to my "things I am a sucker for" list:

-random noises
-nephews who are too cute for words
-lettuce wraps
-book clubs
-my red bag
-short stories by Mike
-Rufus's new album

Love to all my devoted readers!!!

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