Thursday, March 22, 2007

Your mom bought me this t-shirt...

Who was the guy at choir with the funny orange t-shirt? He was so cute. So. Cute. I'm sure glad I tarted it up so I looked hot while "guest conducting".

Why are we so crazy? Is it "The Secret"? Is it "Spring Fever"? O.k., I am not that crazy right now but everyone else is and somehow I get dragged along for the ride. Maybe getting out of town will be good for everyone. I hope to meet someone on Temple Square and get engaged the same day. That's right... kickin' it Utah style!! Yeah.

So, I am starting two new segments in this blog o' mine.

Reasons I wish I was married

Reasons why I'm glad to still be single

Reasons I wish I was married:

1. A movie date forever and all eternity. Sigh. If I was married I could just say "Hey, let's go to the movies", and I would always have someone to go with and talk about it after.

2. Someone to cook with. I want to be like Adam and Jess and make great food together.

Reasons I am glad I'm still single:

1. Ben Schultz. staring at me in Sunday school. At least I'm not dating crazy people.

2. Awesome trips to Utah with the ladies. Can. Not. Wait.

Anyway, I need go to bed so I can look my finest for work tomorrow, so I will think of more reasons in the weeks to come. If you have any others for me, please let me know. Yay.

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