Tuesday, March 27, 2007

"Welcome Back, Lady"

Hooray, I have bangs now!! Ones that do not fall into my eyes, but may or may not be flattering on me. The jury is still out.

So yesterday I offended not one, but two customers about "The Secret". Both of them asked me if I had seen it and I said "No". Then they both asked if I was planning on seeing it, and when I said "no", the first customer asked me if that was because of all the hype. I said that my life was actually pretty happy right now. She seemed really offended that I thought her life was an absolute mess and that is why she needed "The Secret". The second lady also asked me why I wouldn't see it, and when I said, again, that my life was pretty great, she got realy huffy and didn't speak the whole time I was packing up her stuff. Then, at the end, she told me that "The Secret" would still be beneficial to me. I believe I actually said "We'll see". This lady was not happy.

Why do these people force me to justify why I won't follow their crazy little cult? Am I a bad person because I won't bow down to the great Oprah? I'm sorry I offended them with my opinion, but I can't help it if they're feeling embarassed that they are feeding in to all the hype. It would serve these people right if I just threw a Book of Mormon at them and yelled "Why won't you join my religion? Why? Why?" I actually think the best come-back to "Why won't you read it" would be: "I don't subscribe to the church of Oprah, I already have my own religion, thank-you!!"

O.k., enough ranting. I think I am letting "The Secret" control my life just a little too much, which is what I know it "secretly" wants.

Fact: I may or may not have been asked on a date today. I'm not really sure if that is what happened. Since it has been 5 years since I have been physically asked on a date, I am a little rusty at knowing how that all works. Did I imagine it? Was it a date or just a ride home? Are we just friends? Is he just doing it to get close to one of my roommates? The answers to all of these questions factor heavily in funny/tragic anecdotes of my life, so, once again, I don't really know.

Why I wish I was married #3: What has two thumbs and is completely dating-retarded? THIS GIRL!!!

Why I'm glad I'm still single:


1 comment:

Denise said...

Who thinks Jenny really was asked on a date? Even if it wasn’t too elaborate. This Girl.

Who thinks that we need to get out of this town for a while? This Girl.

Who think that Jenny just may be the most awesome person in the world? This Girl.