Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Sick Jenny also muses

I have to say, the 2006 soundtracks were such a good idea. As I have been listening to Denise and Ginger's music, I have really seen a bit of their hearts. There is something so powerful about music and great lyrics, we really let them say the things we could never be brave enough to say out loud. Even listening to my own choices has made me see myself as a hopeless romantic. Huh. You can try to be as brave and as strong as you like, but the truth always comes out in the end, and the truth about me (and my love of power ballads) came out with "Fix You" by Cold Play.

Back to work today, and I still feel like crap. I really hope that I am able to sing by Sunday for the fireside. How do I always end up getting roped into these things?

Hope 2007 is great for everyone so far!!

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