Monday, August 31, 2009

Smoking never loooked so good...

O.k., wow.
Denise and I are hopelessly addicted to a little series called"Mad Men" that airs on AMC Sunday nights. I will be the first to say that the show is a little bit racy; however, with a main character that looks like Don Draper, and with the costumes and overall design of the show (which is set in the 1960's), we can't seem to get enough.
Did I mention that we love Jon Hamm as Don Draper?
In the spirit of my love for the show, here are a few other things I am crazy about right now:
Grey shoes
chocolate lava cakes with fresh raspberry coulis
my white sunglasses
The Office


Mary said...

He dose look really good!

tlo said...

I know this guy is good looking, but I'm ready for another episode from your life.

tlo said...

I know this guy is good looking, but I'm ready for another episode from your life.

tlo said...

How do you delete a comment when you've made a mistake and sent it twice??? Surely there must be some way not to look so stupid!