Monday, June 29, 2009

I feel like I'm 4 all over again

Here is the story of the day.

Today I had to get the first of two mumps vaccinations that I need in order to assist one of the students in volunteering at the hospital. The reason I was getting injected was because my immunization records have been lost somewhere in this province. For three days I called every health unit in every town I have ever lived, only to find out that my immunization records were last seen leaving Magrath in 1989...and they never made it to their intended destination of Cardston. Kill me!!

Cut to me today at 10:30, sitting in the waiting room of the Lethbridge Community Health Unit, surrounded by infants. When I went into get the shot, the nurse asked me if it was for my child. I had to tell her, that no, it was actually for me, but that due to my fear of needles, I was probably going to be a bigger baby than most of the actual babies who were in there. The nurse was very kind, and I made it through relatively unscathed. I didn't faint, but my heart rate wasn't too leisurely paced.

The best part of this story is that I have to go back for a second shot on July 27th.

Here's hoping that the rest of my day goes better...

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