Tuesday, March 24, 2009

You have probably forgotten about me...

I have tried to write for the last week. Really! It seems, however, that the longer I go without writing, the easier it is to procrastinate another post. Sometimes I can even pretend that my blog doesn't exist, but every time I log on to the computer, the guilt starts to eat at me and I realize that March has almost gone by with nary a word from me. I could probably come up with 100 excuses as to why this is, but let's not embarrass any of us with that nonsense.

This last Saturday I had the privilege of attending the Opera at the Met, all in the comfort of my local movie theatre. I have wanted to attend a live broadcast for about a year now, and so I give all credit and thanks to Amy Still who went with me. We saw "La Somnambula" (which means "the sleepwalker") by Bellini. I had never heard of the Opera before, but the music was beautiful, and the story suitably dramatic and romantic. Read about it here:


I am really excited to see more operas, and the line-up for next season is pretty great. It includes Tosca, Aida, and Hamlet.

Hopefully this will be the first of many new posts!


Unknown said...

I am appalled that you haven't written in so long...don't you know you are resposible for entertaining me in the last week of pregnancy??

Mary said...

I am very jellous that you went to the opera! I am glad that you had a good time!