Monday, September 29, 2008

This weekend was quite action-packed, and even included some "classic Jenny". I will start on Thursday night, when I attended the play at the University with Braden. I really enjoyed the first half of the play, and moderately enjoyed the second half. The second act was slower, and introduced more themes that really didn't further the plot, or the character development. As for the lead roles, the guy who played Fritz Haber was just too smug for my liking. The character was extremely prideful and stubborn, but the actor was just too...smug. He also bore a remarkable resemblance to David Cross, which I didn't really notice until the intermission when Braden said he didn't love Tobias in the role. Thanks to him for that, because the it was all I could think about throughout the second act. The man who played Einstein, I liked a bit better. I thought he was more expressive. What I did like about the play was the theme about the use of scientific inventions for evil or destructive purposes. The main character, Fritz Haber, was a chemist in Germany during the first half of the 20th century. It was his invention of chlorine gas that was used in the first world war. There was an extremely powerful scene in the play where the gas is used for the first time at the battle of Ypres. Haber comes across a german soldier who is poisoned. He holds him in his arms as he is dying form the gas. I was really moved becuase I have read quite a bit of poetry by both Wilfred Owen and Siegfred Sassoon. They both talk about the use of chlorine gas (Also, see the poem in the last post) and their imagery is so vivid, that I have always felt such a tangible horror whenever I read about the battles. The scene was chaotic, loud, and evoked the fear the Allies must have felt when they experienced the gas for the first time.

Friday, I worked at Chapters, and then saw the movie "Eagle Eye", and... Meh. Shia Leboeuf didn't have any real opportunity to act, and the premise of the film was just a little too far-fetched for me. Also, too many car chases and explosions. I was pretty bored by the excessive "action" . Beisdes, the real action of Friday night happened after the movie when I locked my keys in the car at 7-11!! I stopped to get something to eat, and the events that transpired were clearly a punishment for even attempting to consume any of the "food" there. So, I pulled in just after midnight, and there was a veritable mob of reprobates just hanging outside the door. I started rooting in my purse, and the next thing I knew, I was standing outside of the car, looking in at my keys in the ignition, and my cell-phone on the seat. I walked home, freaked out to poor Denise, and them called Dad, who had to be up in about 4 hours for a temple shift. He directed me through using a hanger to try to flip the lock switch, but the hanger kept bending, it didn't really fit between the door and the car, and I was getting hungrier by the minute. I gave up after 20 minutes,and Denise called AMA. The guy came in about 10 minutes, and opened the door in about 30 seconds. Amazing!! We praised him to the skies, and went home. Unfortunately I did not learn my lesson, and took home "food" to eat. I was extremely repentant the next morning when I had a terrible Jumbo Juicy hang-over...

Sunday was the ever popular, much beloved third annual Denise Garner apple taste Test. A wonderful time was had by all! The general winner was the Honey Crisp apple, but I went against the grain and chosde the Jazz as my favorite. It had the perfect amounts of crunch, sweetness and tartness. Delightful.

Anyway, here is hoping that this week will provide as much entertainment as the last!


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