Wednesday, July 30, 2008

We should get jersies...

So, if Denise can blog whilst on "vacation" (uhh, here in Canada we call it on "holiday"), I can blog at home, in the comfort of my own pajama pants. Shirts are for fools.

I just spoke with my new employer, and got the low-down on the new job. I am really excited to start on August 11th, and I am grateful to keep Chapters as a part-time job as well. I would not be able to leave that place anytime soon. They are like my second family, and I can't do without them. With the new job, I will generally work about 8 - 3, with some flexibility due to student's schedules. I will have my own business cards which will have my degree on them, so I can finally fulfill my life-long dream of calling myself "Jennifer Olsen, B.A." Don't think I won't do it. All the time, and to strangers, too.

So, being alone here at the apartment has its benefits, but it has its draw-backs as well. I am enjoying having the place to myself for awhile, but I miss having someone to talk to about my own stupidity, and the stupidity of others. Who else can help me decipher a cryptic comment , or analyze a certain action, or let me rant about what angers me? I am beginning to think that I have become a person who does not do well alone! I used to be fine being by myself, but now I need to have someone to hash things out with. That all being said, it is nice being able to dispense entirely with wearing a shirt...

Last night I went to see the new Indiana Jones movie. While I did find the ending a little far-fetched, I enjoyed the over-all return to the world of Dr. Jones, and his adventures. Harrison Ford was still the man, and Shia was absolutely delightful. The evening was also made awesome by a trip to the Keg, where I was once again reminded why I will never become a vegetarian. I just love the beef too much...

Good luck to Denise today as she says good-bye to her little brother for two years. I have to admit, I am a little sad as well that Eric is leaving. I will miss the truly perfect trifecta of awesome, the X-Files de-constructions, the late-night trips to Boston Pizza, and of course, the music. I guess this means that Denise and I will have to find real friends again. Luckily for both of us, my little brother is moving into town in September. We'll only change it up a little bit.

Only 3 more days until the Midnight Masquerade. I would be freaking out right now, but everyone who is involved is committed 100%, and I know things will go as smoothly as possible. Also, I get to have my hair done. Fantastic!!

Have a wonderful day, everyone.

1 comment:

LeitaAnn said...

I am seriously excited for you and your new job! I want one of your business cards!!!
Have fun at the event and take lots of pictures to post on Facebook.