Friday, June 27, 2008

Making life interesting for murderers and customers...

We have learned a lesson at Chapters and it is thus: You should probably do a bit of a background check on the people you bring into the store for signings and presentations. Case in point: Gary Wilson. Travis arranged to have him in to sign some books today. Last week Gary left a poster that mentioned his book about a man on the run from the law might be a wee bit autobiographical. Apparently he had been charged and convicted with murder. He then spent the next year on the run from the law in Mexico and South America, before turning himself in. He spent time in Prison and now writes books and runs a construction company. The real crux of the story comes when we got a hold of a copy of today's Lethbridge Herald. The paper (if it can be called that) featured a front page article describing, in great gory detail, Gary Wilson's act of murder, and how he went on the run depositing body parts along the way. Of course we got a protest call this morning from a disappointed customer who couldn't believe Chapters would have a murderer in the store.

I am in two minds about this whole situation. Yes, the man has served his time and has, ostensibly, been forgiven by society for his crime. I really have no right to judge him for his past. However, he is capitalizing on his sensational story (he sold 17 books in 3 hours), which I find morally repugnant. People seemed to eat it up. The titillation of seeing a "real live murderer" must have been too much for them to stay away from the store.

Anyway, things are nothing if not controversial at Chapters!!

Tomorrow Cam and Greg are moving their stuff into a storage unit, and then they are moving away to Calgary on Monday. I am sad they are leaving, and also depressed at being the only one left in this so-called city. I have to really get going on this job search, or I need to get out myself.

Have a wonderful Canada day weekend...I guess we'll see you in July.


Mary said...

Jenny that is a crazy story. I don't even know what to say exept that I would probably not buy a book from him. I hope all is well with you! Miss you lots!!!

LeitaAnn said...

That is wild. Wow, now I am never going to buy another thing from Chapters again!!! =0)
Which reminds me, I should spend the last of my saved money there sometime soon, I've come across a few good authors and I want to get their books.
Oh and I'd like to move already too, wanna head to Scotland for life?