New Baby! New Baby!
Jessica and Adam had their baby on Wednesday. Talking to Jess, she sounded happier than I had heard her in a long time. Congratulations you guys! You will be the most wonderful parents (who will not let your children run positively wild like they do in Chapters...more later) I am thrilled to have another nephew, although I will echo Mark's sentiments to say that we need a girl. Did you hear that Andrea? That was a pointed remark just for you. Let's see if we can make it happen. I don't know if I can wait 2 weeks until I can be with Jess and Adam and the baby, so people better keep sending me pictures. I would post some on my site, but let's be honest, it is a miracle that I can even get words on here.
Today I picked up a new obsession/therapeutic activity thanks to Jade, Art Cards. You make them however you want, and then you trade them with others. I made 4 today, and I loved it. I already have plans for series of cards. Cities, cards that represent friends, ones representing a year in the life... I really loved it. Also,it was great to spend some time with Jade. She is a great girl.
O.k. things that drove me crazy at work on Friday.
1. Customers on the phone who expect you to do everything for them and more. Shopping is a leisure activity, people. Come in to the store!!! I had a lady in Medicine Hat who made me look up 15 books, find the ones we had(this is sometimes a much harder task than one would anticipate due to books not being in their proper place) ring them in for her and hold them until her boyfriend could pick them up. After this 30 minute process, the lady had the audacity to ask if someone from the store could take the books to Ric's Grill. Huh. I almost said, "You have a cab pick me up, a steak waiting there for me and we'll talk."
2.Children who trash the kids book section. Parents, we are not your baby-sitters or your maids, and when we have to discipline your children and clean up after them, we are not happy. When you don't stop your children from taking the books and leaving them everywhere, I can't find them when a customer is looking them later, then they're mad and I am even more annoyed. Get the picture. WATCH YOUR CHILDREN!
O.k., enough of the scary book lady stuff. I am off to clean my room so that I can leave my door open, let some of the warm air in, and not be ashamed.
Oh, a note from last weekend. I did got to the recital, and absolutely did have an elbow in my arm about 50 % of the time. Of course, I was elbowing a lot too. Steve's repetoire was great. Especially a group by John Beckwith called "Five Lyrics of the T'ang Dynasty". Adam and Jess, you need to check these out. However, I am not a real fan of Steve's voice. Nor his acting, which was the main reason for all of the elbowing. We also really enjoyed the old man who would come out to raise the lid of the piano, remove the music, etc. He looked kind of like someone's grandpa who was just dying to be involved. At one point there was another guy who came out at the same time as him onto the stage, and Andrew and I were anticipating a throw down (or, a brawl for it all, Denise) when the old guy looked like the young whipper-snapper was trying to usurp his authority. Oh, the joys of a University Recital!!
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