Sunday, November 19, 2006

Thank-you disillusionment...

Thank heaven and all of the angels that Preference is over!! Yes, I did go to the dance, and on a blind date no less. With...Jeremy from Medicine Hat (the afore-mentioned possible date). O.k., so he wasn't really attractive, he wasn't overly intellectual, heck, he even talked about himself most of the time. And, oh, yeah, I think he lies! (He said that he had lived in Lethbridge during High School, and got lost on the way to my house). However, I thought the highlight of the evening was when he asked me: "Do you go to church all of the time? OH. MY. GOOD. HEAVENS. Who asks that? At the dance itself it was really awkward because he doesn't know anyone, and so he was with me the whole time. Well, there were a few moments when I would (accidentally?) lose him and visit with some sane people (thank-you to Braden!!!), but most of the time he wanted to dance. Now, the Lethbridge Big Band was playing, which was amazing to listen to, however, neither my date nor myself could dance at all. (I loved the twirling however, because my dress was perfect for spinning) So, there I was, dancing fit to beat the band, but really just looking like I was having fits. Oh, but I live to humiliate myself on a weekly basis!! So I wasn't having the greatest time with my date, however, he left 15 minutes early, and so true to Jenny's life story, I was left alone on the last song. And, I had to find a ride home with another couple.

It wasn't that Jeremy is not a nice guy, it's just that I know too many smart and funny guys that I could compare him with. Like my brothers-in-law, for instance. But maybe my expectations are too high. Perhaps a smart and funny priesthood holder is too much for the likes of me. Considering my advanced years and single status, I probably shouldn't be throwing away perfectly good dates just because they don't know who Christopher Guest is. Because this was a set-up, I wonder if because I'm single, and of a certain age, that any single, nice guy will do. I think Ginger said it best(and scared me a little) when she pointed out that Jeremy represents most of the pool from which we have to choose from. Single guys around 30. Are they all strange?

Anyway, Preference is over, and time to move on to newer adventures, like the Talent Show tomorrow night for FHE. I will be attempting to play the guitar and sing. Could be great, could be awkward, could be just plain humiliating. Come out and see, it will be an event, nonetheless.

1 comment:

Denise said...


Even if Preference wasn't all that it should be..and it really wasn't ask anyone at my house. A trip to the Bishop's house makes everything so much better.