Sunday, May 25, 2008

New look! New look!

Yesterday I spent about an hour on the blog, but didn't write at all. Being the Luddite that I am, I didn't really know a lot of the ins and outs of Blogger, and so after Denise showed me the different options and applications, I went a little crazy with the pictures and the profile and what have you. Hence the wasted hour on the internets. This hour, however, was only indicative of the day that I had yesterday. Sure I went through a lot of my stuff to do de-junking for the big move, but mostlyI watched some "Angel" saison trois, ate some Babybel, wandered around the house, and lazed around the house. Ah, Saturday!!

So, we are definitely moving now. We found a fantastic little apartment on 14th Ave north and it is right across the street from Stan Siwick Pool. Hello to Aquasize!! When we looked at it, we just felt like we should be living there. Saturday, we are moving officially. I will be moving wards, but I suppose that's o.k.

Anyway, hope you all enjoy the weekend. Come to our pot-luck if you have anything to bring.

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