Friday, October 09, 2009

Winter wonder


I am doing up Christmas this year...DOING IT UP!! I can't wait to decorate, sing, bake, eat, and generally annoy my roommate and work colleagues with an overload of Christmas cheer. To get all of you excited, here are some Christmas images that are bound to thrill...

Yes, this is a picture of my very favorite Christmas cd. I will be playing it quite regularly, but maybe I will keep it to my car as not to drive Denise too crazy!

O.k., picture number two. I like this one cause that beard is UNBELIEVABLE (I couldn't believe it!!) This is one Santa who looks pretty real. Awesome!

I love this one because Santa and the reindeer are really cool. (How cool are they?) They are so cool that they are wearing sun-glasses and they are doing the awesome poser rap-style fold arms and lean. Yeah.

So, I think that I have saved the best for last. Nothing says Christmas like a bunch of dolls in front of fake food that they wouldn't be able to eat anyway. They do look happy, though.

So, I invite you all to share in my endeavor which I have forth-with dubbed "Christmas Crazy". Unfortunately, at the College, I am not allowed to use the word Christmas which leaves me with two alternatives:

1. Say it anyway and risk offending all and possibly being reprimanded or fired


2. Come up with an alternate name like "Season's splendour" or "Holiday hub-bub"

Please let me know which one you think I should do...


Adam said...

Holiday Hub-bub for me all the way!

Laura said...

I have a thing for Christmas music, an obscene amount of it and I start playing it ridiculously early... you've inspired me to begin the music.

tlo said...

What happened to poetry Thursday? I always look forward to it!!

Unknown said...

I vote for Season's splendour...I've always had a particular hatred for season's greetings and it's a lot the same.

Adam said...

I vote for a NEW BLOG!!! It's been too too long.