Thursday, May 01, 2008

Poetry Day

It is Thursday, my favorite day for a host of reasons!! These reasons now include "Poetry Day"!! Ever since I declared Thursdays poetry day (o.k., it has been a week), I have been reading it and even writing it a bit, and so have been kind of crazy... Anyway, I am working on something right now that will hopefully be ready next week (I'll even post from Ireland if I can find a computer), so this week I will include a poem that I discovered about 6 years ago. I dedicate it to everyone who thinks they know everything about me...or for that matter, to anyone who thinks they know any person fully. There are things that are too precious, too loved, too embarrassing, or just too private to share. Or, sometimes when we spend a lot of time with people, we continue to talk about the same things or react to experiences the same way. Maybe we need to delve a little deeper, and find out something new about the people we know. We just may surprise each other.

The Discovery

do not imagine that the exploration
ends, that she has yielded all her mystery
or that the map you hold
cancels further discovery

I tell you her uncovering takes years,
takes centuries, and when you find her naked
look again,
admit there is something else you cannot name,
a veil, a coating just above the flesh
which you cannot remove by your mere wish

when you see the land naked, look again
(burn your maps, that is not what I mean),
I mean the moment when it seems most plain
is the moment when you must begin again

-Gwendolyn Macewen

1 comment:

T. Lopez said...

Ireland??!!? Wahoo for you!! Love the idea of a weekly poetry post...guess I'll have to check back & see what you've come up with! Is 'JKO' you? From last Thursdays poem? Nicely done! TTYL