Saturday, February 23, 2008

Yes, I am fully clothed right now.

I just realized that the name of my blog makes me sound kind of like a pervert. " can take off your shirt here. Clothes are for fools!!" I must have picked this title
a. while under some kind of influence
b. while being shirtless, oops, I mean shoeless as well
c. before I started spreading (quite vehemently, I might add) my philosophy about justifiable shirtlessness.

For those of you who have not heard my treatise on the subject, I believe that people should only be shirtless if there is a credible reason to be. Let's try a little experiment, shall we? Yes? (This actually only applies to males...well, unless you are in Ontario)

Scenario #1: You are swimming. Justified.

Scenario #2: You are showering. Justified.

Scenario #3: You are posing for a calender. Unjustified.

Scenario #4: You are WALKING DOWN THE STREET: Absolutely unjustified. Come On!

Scenario #5: You are mowing the lawn. Uhh, the jury is still out on this one, but I'm leaning toward un.

Scenario #6: You are Gerard Butler. No. Unjustified. We are tired of seeing your nipples.

Scenario #7. Your shirt is on fire. Justified. Yes, that's you Peter Petrelli

Well, it has been a short, but a good one. I need to get ready because Mary and I are venturing out to the Opera at the movie theatre. I should probably at least run a brush through my hair.

Scenario #8. You are performing an Opera at the Met.

Only justified if your name is Pavarotti.

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