Wednesday, April 04, 2007

"Bearded enough lions to be a Daniel..."

12 hours in a car is nothing when compared with the concert I saw last night.

I went with Andrew to the Singers/Vox 40th Anniversary concert last night, and as anniversary concerts go, the OFS Pearl Tribute Concert was both briefer and far superior. First mistake I made: going with someone who will make me laugh at people's earnest attempts at choral music. Actually, Andrew and I were reasonably well-behaved. It was ony after 2 hours that he started texting someone, and I was day-dreaming, fidgeting, and sighing audibly.

Thre concert started out with a mass performed by Vox. This was the longest piece of music ever performed by a mediocre community choir. (Oh, hey- I was in Vox back in the day, so I am entitled!) Actually, they didn't sound as great as usual, and the piece did go on. There were some beautiful moments (Ah, Adam, I couldn't resist) like the Sanctus and the Benedictus, but on the whole it really stretched out for an unholy length.

The highlight of the night was a piece composed for the University's 40th Anniversary, and performed by the Singers. The text featured such lines as "ripped Caesarean-like", and "tasting the arts", and "Bruised by budgets". We had a dastardly time reading the "poem" without laughing aloud. Part of the song was people placed strategically throughout the audience who would randomly jump out of their seats to shout at eachother and at the choir. I know I am not mature enough for this kind of music...

And, of course, there were at least three thousand standing ovations, so Andrew and I were forced (very unwillingly) to stand, lest the composer of "Fiat Lux". who, coincidentally, was not that far from us, would force us to be "shouters" in the next performance...

Anyway, back to work today. It's been about a week, and I am somewhat glad to go back. I think. I hope someone put out the new movies.

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